Obama bears witness to Deep State control of the country.
In a stunning press conference Friday at noon on the White House steps, President Obama revealed that his administration has been under the secret control of powerful economic interests within the clandestine National Security Agency. The President asserted that the move towards armed conflict with Syria is a ploy by these secretive powers to move closer to open conflict with Iran, and the wealth of public contracts the defense industry would consequently garner. He further briefed the American people that he was made aware of the “government” within the US government just prior to taking office in 2008, when he was advised to keep a single payer health care system “off the table” in the negotiations with Congress leading up to the Affordable Care Act, lest he suffer public embarrassment for some indiscretions he had committed as a younger man. He revealed that he had been advised at that time, that if he “cooperated” with these interests, he would be rewarded financially upon leaving office.